By toomuchwork - 13/09/2018 01:30

Today, as I was leaving for a 2-week vacation after working my ass off for 2 years, my area manager handed me a project. It's a 3-week job, and he told me he needs it when I get back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 122
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him no. It’s your vacation, why should you be made to do something, much less have it completed a week early.

"Could you go ahead and make sure this project is done by the time you finish your vacation? That'd be great."


"Could you go ahead and make sure this project is done by the time you finish your vacation? That'd be great."

Tell him no. It’s your vacation, why should you be made to do something, much less have it completed a week early.

wtfdaemon 3

Agree. If you're too weak to tell him no, you deserve what you get.

Umm no that's when ya hand it back and say I'm a vacation find somebody else or I quit 😐😒

Deez_Knots 10

Tell him to eat a bag of dicks and quit cuz u work for a douche bag

Tony Friddle 11
Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Hand the idiot a dictionary with the word and definition of “vacation” highlighted along with the project that is most likely given to him by his boss that he has now pushed onto you.

Looks like you’ll be working time-and-a-half on vacation! The good news is when vacation is over, you’ll be back on straight time for another few years.

Well then I hope your manager finds someone who's not on a vacation to get it done on time. Because that's his job as, you know, manager.

and the reason you took the project and didnt tell him no?