By Jonny - 09/01/2012 04:07 - United States

Today, as a recovering alcoholic, I called my brother to share the news that I've been sober for a month. He invited me to a bar to celebrate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 423
You deserved it 3 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like you shouldn't be calling him for a while! Sorry OP, keep up the good work though!

I don't understand why people vote for "you deserve it" on posts like these. Great job OP ;)


So did you go? You should you deserve a drink after a whole month.

Sammybabbyy 2

I just banged someone I met on

gerbeezooe 1

Congratulations on your one month, keep coming back :)

He should have gotten you hookers and blow instead. brothers can't do anything right.

booboo2464 3

Just be strong, relapse and die as I've been told :)

watcanigetu 2

hey for all the haters an what not, it is possible to go to a bar or party and not drink. its a decision one has to make. i can relate, i am a recovering alcoholic, i have nearly 7 months.