I'm not drunk, you're drunk!

By katieemw95 - 23/09/2019 04:00

Today, I came home from partying all night, having stayed completely sober. My Dad, blind drunk, told me he was proud of me for staying sober. He claims to have been sober longer than I have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 394
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like one of you has a drinking problem....

mcsmee 7

If you add up all the times he's been sober, the cumulative total probably is longer then you've been sober. It might even be longer than you've been alive.


Sounds like one of you has a drinking problem....

You know the old saying, "Drunk words, crazy as **** thoughts!"

mcsmee 7

If you add up all the times he's been sober, the cumulative total probably is longer then you've been sober. It might even be longer than you've been alive.