By Anonymous - 30/06/2014 01:25 - United States - Butler

Today, after working the night shift, I accidentally left my iPod at the office. I woke up later and went on Facebook. To my dismay, I saw some coworker had posted stuff on my wall, such as, "I really have to take a shit!" and "Yes, my tits are real!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 009
You deserved it 12 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heres a bright idea, put on a password!

You know, the thing about puns, they have to make sense.


j3ebrules 13

Sadly, my friends would think I really did make those comments. Hopefully your friends got the picture that someone pirated your Facebook.

YDI for a) using an Apple product, b) failing to password-protect your device, and c) leaving it at work.

I have 5 sisters and a brother. They would constantly try and do this to me. They even went as far having my email so when I changed me passwords, they could get into everything still.

That's why facebook allows you to delete posts. I recommend you change your facebook password and end all active sessions.

OP needs to log out of facebook and put a password on that phone! For some reason, people have this urge to post embarrassing things if some one else's facebook page is up and unsupervised.

You totally deserve this for owning an iPod