By Grrrrr - 01/03/2009 00:50 - United States

Today, after working for my company for 10 years, my co-workers threw me a farewell party. The boss gave quite an eloquent speech, ending in "we're really gonna miss you Mark." My name is Evan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 816
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, at least he took the time to pretend to care

I guess he was rereading an old, used one.........


Damn... that's a bitch. Maybe he was trying to be a douche.

m0tl3ycru3qwr 0

hahaha! you're like Toby from the office! everyone hates you! fyl!

wow, at least he took the time to pretend to care

you should probaly go on a diet, not to be rude or anything, just trying to help

I agree with 45 2, if you post a FML, I'm gonna check YDI

They're probably already referring to you as "that guy that was here for a while". Maybe at your next job you should wear a name tag for, say, the first 20 years so the boss will get to know you.

Mark kind of sounds like Evan... :)

I guess he was rereading an old, used one.........

kagome_eb 0

dont take it to bad, you dont work for dose assholes anymore

Mark's a better name than Evan anyway. Just accept it and move on

Cloudy_fml 0

#12, I'm sure that was their intent. ^_~

hahaha i love #6 and #7's comments. Cheer up Mark.

Nope, it's really a quote out of context. What he said was, "We're really gonna miss you, mark my words."