By optimist - 26/01/2010 19:03 - United States

Today, after wondering why I didn't receive a grade for a summer course I took in 2007, I realized that I gave the professor the wrong student ID number. Someone else received credit. I've been waiting on this grade for 8 months in order to graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 691
You deserved it 31 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It took you 3 years to realise this? Don't worry, I doubt your grade is very good.

I agree, if it had been only a week or two after grades were supposed to be posted and I didn't see mine, I would have emailed the teacher or called the school to see what was going on. it's been two and a half years...Ydi


youthink_fml 0

YDI for waiting 8 months. But why would you have to tell your professor your ID number? Wouldn't he already have it from the registrar's office?

faaaaake. Students don't give professors their ID numbers. The ID numbers are stored in the school's computer system, and the professor receives a roster of the students in the class for whom to assign grades. It's been this way for decades, even when we used to get paper printouts of the rosters.

namhowell 6

This is soooooo fake. What world do you think we live in? Nobody gives the professor the student ID. It's in the system next to your name when you register. And don't you highschoolers defend the OP by saying the professor probably asked for it. It doesn't work like that. YDI big time for making up craps.

It is 2010. 8 months ago would have been 2009. If your gonna make something up, at least try to make it sound true.

hallucinog3n 0

why do so many people feel the need to scream OMG, FAKE on every post that seems slightly sketchy? these things are moderated before they even make it to the archives... get a ******* life you wannabe veracity police

froggermea 5

same thing happenned to me but it was for grades in class... i ended up giving my brother my first "A" in english... my student number is the same as my brothers except that his ends with a 3 and mine ends with a 2 grrrrrr

ZielZone 4

What an idiot. Over educated but no common sense.