By Anonymous - 18/05/2011 04:38 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso
By Agonised - 29/05/2021 00:01
By bdogge99 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle
Hazmat suit time
By Anonymous - 03/05/2023 13:00 - Kenya - Nairobi
Brain worms
By Whoops - 15/06/2024 15:00 - United States
By Kim - 05/05/2021 04:01
By sofakingweetodit - 18/10/2010 12:44 - United States
By suckstobefat - 22/01/2012 06:10 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/03/2016 03:14 - New Zealand - Takanini
By Anonymous - 28/08/2009 13:30 - United States
Top comments
hippie doctor....
he sounds nice
My throats hurting i want what he smoking
That's Australia for ya.
LOL 46, my doctor has one hand with long finger nails he cleans his ear with...
your doc seems like an old man. he sounds like a cutie pitoutie
You went to the doctor just for a sore throat? :/
Yeah stop being a bitch and go to the doctor for something a little more important.
So says someone who knows all about Australia because...?
maybe they live there.... duh...
I live there and am yet to understand that comment...
59: My dad ignored strep and wound up in the ICU. Why take the risk?
80. Well did your dad take vitamins? Obviously not...
I WANT THOS DOCTOR!!!!!!!! lol jk
ah an open minded doctor who doesnt disregard things because theyre not supported by a pharmaceutical company and actually keeps up to date on current literature...rare. youve got a sore throat, you dont need pharmaceuticals. a change in your diet is probably all you need at this point, just get yourself some common sense and stop wasting the time of doctors who are already overworked and overbooked. people like you are the reason i had to book a week in advance just to get a script. if you had a real problem this would be an fml. you dont. so shutup. YDI.
so do I but I don't pretend that I know it all... duh
@126 he doesnt have strep throat. thus this isnt an fml moment, its a YDI moment. people like that who refuse to accept doctors advice because it doesnt come attached with a script and the "now take 1 of these every morning before meals" message means more wasted time as they keep going back to see the doctor for something that is already treated. as such, people like me have to put up with their crap and wait longer to see someone because they need to be fixed immediately.
Did he drive up in a fried-out combie? From the hippie trail, head full of zombie? He's probably right about the vitamins -- it's good to see there are some doctors out there who are not in the pocket of Big Pharma . . . or, for that matter, Big Shoe ;)
That's some doctor you have there.
is it bad that I was to lazy to read that?
i love you #2!
I said to the man are you trying to tempt me? Because I come from the land of plenty!
Hey think of the bright side! You probably didn't have to pay him! And if he isn't good enough you could always get Doc Bastard as your new doctor!
that was kinda the point of the joke, but anyways
The OP's in Australia, so wouldn't have had to pay, regardless. We have socialised medicine.
What a useless doctor. You should find a new one that acts at least a bit professional.
most sore throats are viral anyway so antibiotics won't help. The doc is right take some vitamins and get some rest.
I don't think vitamins will help in the immediate future but OP should try some over the counter medicine to calm down his throat.
Just about to write this myself, you don't have to go to the doctor for every sniffle. Antibiotics won't help viral infections.
15. Go watch the documentary "Food Matters." Vitamins help way more than you realize
@15 vitamins such as C can reduce the duration and severity of basic conditions like the cold or flu. theyre not supposed to be used as a method of getting rid of it, and it wont kill your symptoms but most people would want to get over a condition quickly rather than mask the symptoms for a while...or thats what id want anyway. embrace the pain for a couple of days and go back to being 100% or try to hide it n hope it goes away in its own time...hmmm...
Ask to chnage doctors then. If you are not happy with the service you've been given, do something about it!

hippie doctor....
Did he drive up in a fried-out combie? From the hippie trail, head full of zombie? He's probably right about the vitamins -- it's good to see there are some doctors out there who are not in the pocket of Big Pharma . . . or, for that matter, Big Shoe ;)