By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 05:15 - Canada

Today, after taking my clothes out of the washer, I noticed at the very bottom of the washer my boyfriend's USB stick I found a couple of days ago. The USB stick contains his English essay, and his novel he has been working on for almost six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 246
You deserved it 32 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can just dry it off in the sun... don't use it for about a week so that it dries thoroughly, then it should work just fine. I really don't understand what all the fuss is about.

Yeah, it should still work once it dries out (flash memory=no moving parts). Should be a lesson to your boyfriend, too—clean out your own damn pockets!


HE totally deserved it lol That's what he gets for not emptying his pockets

sepdps 0

I'm guessing your single now, huh? haha

IronMaiden45 0

it'll be fine my mom washed my mine about 10 times by accident and it still works lol

debatingalways 0

I've done that plenty of times with no harm done. don't throw it away it might still work!

shouldnt he have it on his/a harddrive? i mean it definitely should be backed up...

loserthegreat 11

those things are like indestructable, dont worry about it lol

It will dry out. My mom did the same and it still works...