By JessBaby - 04/05/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I found out my grandmother passed away. When I told my boyfriend I began to cry. Instead of caring, he said "you're getting my bed wet," rolled over, and fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 006
You deserved it 6 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're better off without him. if he cares more about his bed than your tears, he isn't the right guy

jorygirly 0

what an ignorant selfish ingrate boyfriend. I've heard of guys having no feelings but this is out of control. Dump him


you're better off without him. if he cares more about his bed than your tears, he isn't the right guy

YDI 1. fo having a grandmother 2. for being a ****** baby

242, you're an idiot. in order to be born, you MUST have a grandmother.

ryguy997 0

242, like 243 said, you couldn't have been born without having one. so you hate your grandma? and if someone in your family died, wouldn't you cry? if not then you are a cold hearted insensitive bas*ard.

ry and kg, surrigate, IBF. good game.

242, must not have much of a life. One of her family members just passed away and shes a "****** baby" about it?? And its not like you dont have a grandma either dumbass. Its like me saying YDI for having hands. Grow up junior.

hobbsicle805 0

Aww. Sorry about your grandma. ='( Maybe he isn't right for you...

jorygirly 0

what an ignorant selfish ingrate boyfriend. I've heard of guys having no feelings but this is out of control. Dump him

brydeec 0

What an asshole of a boyfriend. **** him. (I don't mean that literally.)

mcsnelly 5

Who would say that? SERIOUSLY?? dump the douche!

That sounds so terrible... Why do girls stay with guys like that?

He's a dickweed. Dump his ass and find someone who cares about your feelings.

SoFreakinNaive 0
ryguy997 0

that's what she said! lol. but sorry about your grandma, OP. Hope you find a better boyfriend! this sentence is an attempt to bypass the anti flood shield.

Bobhope124 0