By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 16:07 - United States - San Leandro

Today, after months of taking care of my grandma after a surgery, the doctors gave her a clean bill of health and I finally got to sleep in my own bed. She passed away while I was at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 070
You deserved it 1 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My condolences, OP. She passed away well cared for and loved.

Don't blame yourself, you were there for her when she needed someone and she passed away knowing she was loved and cared for.


Damn, sorry OP. I hope you know that her passing was in no way your fault, and you made her last days meaningful and comfortable in some way by being there for her. My condolences.

Many times, a person has.. More or less "a calm before the storm" whee they'll feel great and everything seems fine... My guess is that was the case. I'm sorry for you loss :(

How in the hell does this have almost 1000 YDIs? For the ones who really do think he deserved it: Why don't you try losing a parent or grandparent and see if you don't feel as bad as OP does. For the ones who did it for the badge: That's heartless that you would do that on an FML like this. PS: OP, I am so sorry for your loss. Just know your grandma died happy and she will always be alive in your heart.

**** the that old **** we need to gather all the old people that can't take care of themselves and gas them to death like hitler did the the Jews

Where's the body I want to burn it and cook marshmallows over the flame

TallMist 32
countryb_cth 38

A lot of the time before someone passes away they have this last hurrah. My mom's aunt felt better then ever the day before she passed. She was even dancing around. As sad as it is, it's quite common for it to happen.

quarterbird 18

My grandma was diagnosed with ALS, and throughout three years you could see her health falter but never her spirit. I remember the night she died, she was adamant on my grandpa to go out and have fun with his bowling friends, and she passed then, knowing that she could do so peacefully. She didn't want you to see her suffering anymore, and until her last breath, loved you for all your work in caring for her. I bet she's looking out for you now. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.

sorry for your loss. I'm in California too, if you're close enough I have a bong hit with your name on it. or a hug from a stranger

I'm very sorry for your loss. Always remember, it's not your fault. It's impossible to save everyone, including yourself.