By imamomma - 20/12/2011 18:59 - United States

Today, after explaining to my two year old that we were going bra shopping, he decided to announce to the entire bank that we were going to buy Mommy some boobies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 212
You deserved it 26 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids and their silly comments. But why would you even specify what type of shopping?

Damn_Hippster 11

Why would you tell your 2 year old that you were going to go bra shopping? He's only 2. He obviously doesn't understand.


jobsman99 0

If he keeps talking about liking big boobies then you may want to find out why.

Haha kids will be kids o well at least now mommy gets her new boobies :D

marissamay25 3
hateevryone 14

that's kinda funny. you can't be mad at him. he's only two

theonlysweetpea 10

Maybe she showed him her strap as she was explaining it

Death_the_Kidd 5

haha, kids these days and their unintentional crude comments. :] Cracks me up.

...why did that need explaining in a bank?