By Nofreeride - 28/01/2017 18:00

Today, after arguing with my husband over who needed the car more, I thought he clearly won. As the loser, I spent the day walking everywhere. Later, I learned that he thought I'd won and left the car in our apartment parking garage for me while he took the bus to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 970
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks about the miscommunication but very sweet how considerate you are of each other.

Lol well looks like neither of you won in this case. At least both of you are capable of accepting when you think you're in the wrong. Maybe you guys should set up a schedule for using the car.


gobiteme2 34

Looks like a zero sum game for you both

Lol well looks like neither of you won in this case. At least both of you are capable of accepting when you think you're in the wrong. Maybe you guys should set up a schedule for using the car.

Sucks about the miscommunication but very sweet how considerate you are of each other.

So neither of you really NEEDED the car! Food for thought.

mcruff 12

This is so sweet and submissive

secretmisery05 25

This is actually the cutest FML ever. It may seem frustrating at first, but it's the kind you look back on years later and smile at bc it's clear you two love each other and I think that makes it a win for both.

Except that you'd think the conversation would end with some sort of clear statement from one or both about who was taking the car. That it didn't sounds like anger fueled miscommunication, guilt, and maybe passive aggressiveness. Not so cute.

You only say that because it's a gay couple doing it.

You two are going places! Perhaps not in the car, but it sounds like a marriage built to last! Best of luck to you as well and your future transportation misadventures!