By jasonvanr - 10/05/2016 08:19 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, a woman kindly asked if she might take a photo of her son in our cowboy boots. Thinking it couldn't do much harm, I agreed. Ten minutes later there was a butt naked three year-old and his entire family taking pictures in my shoe store. My manager wasn't impressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 773
You deserved it 1 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a mixture between horrifying and immensely amusing.

Sounds like his girlfriend will have plenty of blackmail photos when he gets older! Lol


Sounds like his girlfriend will have plenty of blackmail photos when he gets older! Lol

metalcrazed 21
JocelynKaulitz 28

The naked cowboy strikes again.

Hahaha! #3. Crazy...I've seen the naked cowgirl in NYC...but this is horrific OP. I'm so sorry.

Well that was wild. Did you have any authority to tell them to leave the store?

That's a mixture between horrifying and immensely amusing.

corky1992 33

You deserved it. That's why you always ask the manager before you allow a customer to do something that doesn't normally happen inside the work place.

You're right. The OP should have anticipated the kid would get butt naked in public. Oh wait, no that's ridiculous.

you mean you've never tried on shoes in a store? that's probably what the OP thought they meant and the pictures were to people elsewhere to vote on which look best...neither of those things are ridiculously uncommon..

corky1992 33

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andrmac 25

What happened to no pants no service?

orangejubejube 20

No shirt, no shoes, pants optional xD

How does an innocent picture get to that? That's super messed up.

You're in customer service though, had you refused and the customer got offended you might have been written up..

"Suddenly there was a butt naked three-year-old and his entire family..." Almost makes it sound like they all got naked. Now that would be a whole lot worse than just the 3 yr old! Lol.