By jasonvanr - 10/05/2016 08:19 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, a woman kindly asked if she might take a photo of her son in our cowboy boots. Thinking it couldn't do much harm, I agreed. Ten minutes later there was a butt naked three year-old and his entire family taking pictures in my shoe store. My manager wasn't impressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 767
You deserved it 1 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a mixture between horrifying and immensely amusing.

Sounds like his girlfriend will have plenty of blackmail photos when he gets older! Lol


people are such you work in the shoe section of walmart?? bahaha

I mean, he is a three year old of course there is nothing to be impressed about, let him develop first.

What the flying **** is wrong with you, someone get Chris Hansen on the phone

That sounds like a really bizarre situation..

I did the same thing, apparently though it's not as cute when you're 30.

I want children, but it's moments like these that make me wonder if I'm lying to myself.

SexyMexi21 23

I'm going to assume they are from down south.

liria_fml 15

Has anyone seen professional photos of little kids wearing nothing but cowboy boots? It used to be popular a few years back. Sounds like this family was trying to imitate that pose inside the store where op works. I really don't think anyone would have thought this family would undress their child in public like that tho. Doing so is crazy.

Ah so sorry OP! I hope your manager was not too hard on you. But I have to say it's nice seeing South African FMLs posted two days in a row! To all the "rednecks" (#21), "down south" (#28) and "walmart" (#14) comments out there - this happened in Gauteng, South Africa. And unfortunately in some of our cultures naked young children are not so uncommon, so to #26 yes I think to a large degree this is probably TIA (this is Africa) although OP didn't specify the customer's race. But of course it all comes down to the family's behaviour.