By Anonymous - 25/04/2016 20:37 - Canada - Montr?al

Today, I crawled under a table to plug a new lamp. When I tried to get up, I hit my head on the corner of the same table, getting me my fourth concussion in three years for trying to plug a f***ing lamp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 173
You deserved it 4 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think after the first three concussions you'd get a little smarter and take more precautions. Sorry about the concussion but YDI

nityasomaiya 46

Move the table, do the job, and move back the damn table. How hard is it? And if it's a connected-to-the-wall table, why do you have a plug below it?


nityasomaiya 46

Move the table, do the job, and move back the damn table. How hard is it? And if it's a connected-to-the-wall table, why do you have a plug below it?

catanita 18

Time to buy an extension cord so you won't have to crawl under the table again.

katydid91 31

Careful! OP would have to crawl under the table again to plug it in.

I wouldn't call that bad luck. More like an inability to learn from their mistakes. Also: that must be some force to get a concussion from that every time.

You'd think after the first three concussions you'd get a little smarter and take more precautions. Sorry about the concussion but YDI

Maybe the reason he's had 4 concussions is because of first couple.

#5: Exactly what I was thinking! You would think after the FIRST concussion, he'd learn. I really hope we're all reading this wrong, and he just meant that his fourth concussion happened to be for something simple ... instead of saying he got four concussions from the same freaking table!

You need a new system for plugging lamps in

fpants2010 18

I have a neighbor who wears a helmet for various activities such as snowblowing - we call him "helmet guy." Perhaps you should get one too, because plugging in a lamp is risky business!

Coffee5555 14

you got three concussions and still didn't figure a way out to avoid being hit?? maybe wear a helmet? move the table??? stay in the darkness???