By Ackno - 06/05/2017 16:00

Today, I was having sex with my husband when the pores on his forehead triggered my trypophobia. We had to stop before I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 081
You deserved it 1 759

Same thing different taste

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I had to Google that. Turns out that it's a new word, fear of holes. Better hope your husband doesn't develop a fear of holes or you'll have no sex life whatsoever.

Trypophobia is a proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear, or anxiety) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005. Now no one else has to google it.


sushiii__ 9

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I don't think you know what a panic attack is.

I don't think it's your place to make that judgement.

I had to Google that. Turns out that it's a new word, fear of holes. Better hope your husband doesn't develop a fear of holes or you'll have no sex life whatsoever.

You could have changed positions.

Trypophobia is a proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear, or anxiety) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005. Now no one else has to google it.

Perhaps it's time for him to visit a dermatologist, and give the doctor a good laugh when telling them what the reason for his visit is. Because I have a feeling that's one they'll never have heard before.

Trypophobia isn't recognised as a real condition.

feel bad for you op, I have it too :/ (though maybe not as severe) perhaps refer your husband to a facial in order to minimize pores?

neuronerd 28

So, basically your husband grosses you out (since it's a revulsion thing, not an actual phobia). Might be something you need to work on. Imagine how you'd feel if he found some natural aspect of you so disgusting it was "panic attack" inducing.

neuronerd 28

Also, I too find those pictures that "test" if you have trypophobia disgusting and upsetting. Everyone does. They're made to look disgusting. Sounds like you've looked at enough of them to associate your husband's pores with them.

onceuponatime456 16

Looks to be a lot of photoshop going on in the pictures of trypophobia!

kansas_girl03 13

It is an actual phobia. I have it too. I can't look at clusters of holes cuz it freaks me out.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

It's not an actual phobia. Not saying you aren't freaked out by holes, if you are than you are. But trypophobia is not a condition that can be medically diagnosed. Even the term "trypophobia" was made up by someone on a message board in like 2009.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

Okay I'm gonna have to be "that guy" here. Every single person who google's Trypophobia and looks at the pictures thinks they have it. The pictures online are literally designed and specifically made to make you feel uncomfortable when you see them. Of course you're going to feel uncomfortable and weirded out when you see a finger tip with 47 small holes in it. That doesn't mean you have a phobia, that means you're human. Like other people have said, it's a proposed phobia, which means it can't be truly diagnosed. Don't let gross internet pictures make you think you have a condition.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

Also, this isn't aimed at OP, but everyone who is saying they're googling it.

but she was looking at her husband. not the pictures. so what u are saying has nothing to do with what she is saying.

Ops sorry man did not see that comment

Stiggy626 25

they believe it has to do with psychological instincts because most of those types of patterns are on poisonous or dangerous animals and plants

My doctor has recognized that clusters of holes trigger my panic attacks pretty often, but has not diagnosed me with the phobia. Although I actually do have severe panic attacks from things like beehives and weird patterns of holes, I have to agree with this comment

kansas_girl03 13

My grandmother has a flower pot that has a bunch of holes in it. It was made that way and not a photoshopped picture. It freaks me out. Also my mom has the 'flowers' that look like they have a bunch of holes. I can't stand to look at them.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

Tammy, look again, I said this wasn't about the OP.

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

To everyone replying, let me clear this up. I'm not saying you or the OP are lying about freaked out by clusters of holes. If it freaks you out to see it, then it does. Do you. What I'm saying is the pictures online are designed to freak you out, and that trypophobia is not a medically documented condition. Again, even the word itself was made up by someone in an online blog. My comment is talking to the people who see a picture on Google Images or take a Buzzfeed quiz and suddenly it's "ZOMG GUYZ LOOK I TOTALLY HAVE A PHOBIA!!!" I can't tell you how many facebook statuses I saw claiming that they had a real medical condition based on nothing but an 8 year old blog post and a gross picture.