By Anonymous - 06/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, a soldier in my unit had unknowingly lost a GPS in the woods and my section was sent to go find it. After hours of wading through chest high swamps in 32 degree weather, the GPS was found, thanks to the soldier who lost it. It was in his vest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 176
You deserved it 2 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caticaticati 3

I can't believe people think this says anything about the state of the military. Do you know how many highly intelligent people do shit like this on occasion? It happens.


laugh76251 0

i think some one needs a blanket party!!!

#32 you know why it doesn't happen in CoD!!?? Because CoD isn't ****** real war you dumb 11 year old ****!! Nerd.

bloewaters 0

Um..... when it is 32 degrees.... doesnt water freeze??? and if so, then how were you chest high in a swamp.... swamps are stagnant bodies of waters thus making them more likely to freeze. and i HIGHLY doubt a whole section would be sent to find someones gps

shiarrael 13

Swamp water isn't pure water. Therefore, swamp water does not freeze at 32 degrees F. Trust me. I live in the area in question.

you're sadly mistaken. in my experience as a soldier, when any sensitive item comes up missing, commanders tend to think it's better to have as many bodies looking as possible. especially in a sketchy location.

mike427 0

lol well that is the good ol third infantry division!!! lol rock of the Marne! we have sent out hundreds of people at the same time to find lost equipment! and no, the swamps never freeze. we are to close to hell

Hellooomindyy 0

@ 34. Its not OP's fault, so go kill yourself for illiteracy.

Hellooomindyy 0

My bad, that was my moment of illiteracy.

te_amo1630 0

lol this happens so much at my base, if we weren't in the military we'd literally beat the shit out of each other for wasting our collective time.

Haha. I'd suspect that it's going to be his FML more than yours rather shortly, if not already.