By Anonymous - 09/12/2012 16:29 - United States - Cedar Park

Today, a senile old lady came up to me and offered me chocolate. I noticed that it was ex-lax, so I politely told her no. My 4-year-old daughter pushed me aside and ate the ex-lax, because she thought it was candy. I now have a stinky child on a 3 hour bus ride, with no stops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 054
You deserved it 11 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You couldn't stop your child? I'd never let my daughter take any sort of candy from a stranger. I would have said no, given a reason and distracted my daughter with something else.


SaintPeasy 3

Couldn't stop a 4-year old? Ridiculous!

Control your child! My son knows not to take anything from a stranger without asking me first!

WTF?? Your kid is going to end up with her picture on a milk carton! Missing! You should have control over a 4 year old! That's utterly ridiculous! You couldn't stop her? It's your job to protect & teach your kids! Please don't have anymore children! YDI

You can't stop your four year old from taking candy from a stranger. Seems like parent fail to me. YDI

I think the bigger problem is why your 4 year old will take candy from strangers.

pipc 10

Be a parent? Control your 4 year-old? YDI

Britt125 16

You got shoved aside by a 4 year old? You should have been able to stand your ground and stop her, not let her shove you aside. She's 4, it couldn't be that hard to stop her. YDI.

She's 4 why isn't she potty trained and why didn't you make her spit it out??? Mother of the year award goes to...... Someone else!! Lol

I agree on the spitting out, but potty training? It's a laxative, for god's sake. Any grown person wouldn't be able to hold it in for 3 hours.

1. How does a 4 year old push you aside? 2. Why haven't you taught her that taking candy from strangers is wrong? 3. Why isn't a 4 year old potty trained?

Your 4 year old pushed u to the side ???? U must be really little. Not the old lady's fault your child grabbed & ate the candy.