By Anonymous - 31/10/2010 00:00 - United States

Today, a kid came Trick-or-Treating at my house. When I told her it was still one more day until Halloween, and that I didn't have any candy, she wound-up her fist, punched me in the groin, and ran off laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 420
You deserved it 4 056

Same thing different taste


Can't blame her. If you don't have a treat, you deserve the trick.

LoveINKs 0

Shoulda already had ur candy bitch ya

RKD 23

She'll get hers, sooner or later!

what a brat >:@ some ppls kids these days and some parents these days too

NeonBubblez 6

Buy paintball gun. Wait until tomorrow. Problem solved!