By sad guy - 26/04/2013 05:20 - United States

Today, a huge and angry man stormed into my work and threatened to kill me if I didn't stop sleeping with his wife. He then threatened to come back and kick my ass if I so much as texted his wife again. The problem is, I'm married, have never cheated and I work for my wife's father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 314
You deserved it 3 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People really like threatening others these days. Call the police if it becomes violent.

well **** a duck, that's awkward, I say track him down and explain he's got the wrong guy before it snowballs into a bigger issue


fatcow282 8

If somebody treatens your well being(beating the shit out of you or killing u) you have the right to notify the police. Its that in us and i believe canada

Sometimes people who's that angry wouldn't take the time to listen to an explanation. But either way sorry OP hopefully things turn out for the better. Follow-up?

c4rpi0 20
thandidavis 17

Ok plot twist-angry guy is mistaking op for ops father in-law ...let the story unfold...

You know, I see stories like this and all I can say is how do you get mistaken like that? That's very embarassing and I'm sorry OP. Make sure her father understands you are not responsible for what you were accused of. And call the police on that man for threatening your life. Make sure he knows he is an idiot for finding the wrong person, and don't put up with that.

FML_14u2c 14

You sure it's not your boss that's messing around?

I really wonder how he got the idea in his head that OP was texting his wife...

tjv3 10

Should have told him to bring it! Lol people are stupid. People always threaten to kill someone if they do Xx again . When we all know they aren't gonna do a thing