Station 19 and a half

By Madisson Tharp - 26/10/2020 11:42

Today, while working on an ambulance, I got a call from my boss saying I’m fired for being sick too often. I cried in front of every patient for the last seven hours of my shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 473
You deserved it 304

Madisson Tharp tells us more.

Hey wow I didn’t know my FML was posted but I was in EMT school so the job I got fired from was a restaurant. I had worked for that company for almost five years and the times I called out I had actual doctors notes so I was a little devastated. But i work in a hospital now and make quadruple what I mass there so no worries now!! And yea, he was an asshole

Top comments

tounces7 27

He's firing an ambulance worker for being sick too often when we're under a national quarantine? Your boss is a ******* idiot.

You’d think the firing would be done, not only in a face-to-face setting, but also either at the end of the shift or you’re not expected to work the rest of the day. Especially in an ambulance. How can you focus on your work if you’re crying the whole day?!


You’d think the firing would be done, not only in a face-to-face setting, but also either at the end of the shift or you’re not expected to work the rest of the day. Especially in an ambulance. How can you focus on your work if you’re crying the whole day?!

ojoRojo 27

Your boss handled that terribly. Sorry, OP!

Your patients must think that you know they're gonna die of the Covid.

tounces7 27

He's firing an ambulance worker for being sick too often when we're under a national quarantine? Your boss is a ******* idiot.

I dunno how it works in other countries but here in Australia that would be called unfair dismissal. which is illegal and you can sue them for that.

Major_Haywire 7

It’s same here in Canada, but assuming he/she is from the US I have a buddy who lives there and he told me in the US there’s only 2 or 3 states where they can’t fire you with a cause but in every other state they can literally fire you for nothing at all and it’s totally legal. At least according to him but he’s not the first I heard it from

leximichelle 13

Why would you work seven more hours being “fired”? If you’re fired, you leave. Not like you could get in any more trouble if you choose to

True, but it would leave their partner alone with no help, which is no good for emergency responders.

Also, if the boss is allowing OP to work the rest of the shift, she probably also chose to do so because she needs the money

That’s grounds for a lawsuit. You can’t be fired for being sick if you have medical issues. Also, you’re a trooper for finishing your shift because I would’ve said to drop me off at home. That’s ridiculous.

Mathalamus 24

Who cries after losing a job...?

coius 23

I did. Then again, my employer broke my back (physically) right before firing me, but not before refusing to get me medical care for 2 hours then dumping me at an emergicare (and yes, I am suing because I lost my entire IT career. Worst part was, I was injured by my coworkers in A HOSPITAL which they refused to take me to the ER in the place my back got broken. Lost my career, lost a marriage, lost my dog, my posessions and my life as Im too badly damaged to work in the field I went to school half my life for. You would cry too if you felt your back physically break!

Holy Shit man I would like to read that FML, that sounds seriously ****** up I hope things are going better for you now.

Marcella1016 31 that’s terrible I’m really sorry! How how how did your employer physically break your back?! Why/how could they fail to take you to the ER? There’s so many questions here. I hope you sued! I’m so sorry that happened to you.

I don't know of any job that fires someone and keeps them still working their shift.

Hey wow I didn’t know my FML was posted but I was in EMT school so the job I got fired from was a restaurant. I had worked for that company for almost five years and the times I called out I had actual doctors notes so I was a little devastated. But i work in a hospital now and make quadruple what I mass there so no worries now!! And yea, he was an asshole