By Anonymous - 05/07/2013 16:13 - Netherlands

Today, a girl I met recently asked if I wanted to go jogging with her, and I excitedly agreed. A while into our run, I ran out of breath and doubled over panting, all while she kept jogging and slowly disappeared down the street. What a way to spend time together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 491
You deserved it 9 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donat96 20

She probably saw you had low stamina and assumed it would probably be the same in the bedroom.

Get fit chasing her! Brilliant excuse to start running.


SystemofaBlink41 27

You just brought up one of my most rage inducing memories...

Time for you to be hitting up the treadmill OP.

Looks like you need a bit of practice...I had that happen to me...and my result was a wrong turn...

If she's not considerate enough to wait for you, she's not worth it OP

I want go jogging too. Did nobody else notice the grammar? If it were a comment it's not as bad, but for the actual FML, they should have some proof readers

The FMLs are moderated, but they are not actually edited before they are posted.

pinguino3669_fml 23

Be sure to get in some jogging ahead of time if something like this happens again! Good luck! :)

Whoa, wait, time out. No, I'm not confused, that's my advice.

I've heard of this jogging thing, it's suppose to be a new fad everyone's doing. Apparently you just run for an extended period of time.

CharresBarkrey 15

Or yogging. It might be a soft 'j'

graceinsheepwear 33

Who goes running with a new crush without looking into what level of intensity/fitness they go for? Sorry but you set yourself up for that one.

My advice, if you want her then train harder until you can out run her ability...she is the type of girl that wants competition