By Anonymous - 22/05/2019 00:01

Today, a fork hit me in the eye. I was holding it. I didn't even get to eat my chicken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 410
You deserved it 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that's really a forked up situation 🤣🤣🤣😂

BigSissy 14

I did something like that several years ago. I was just sitting in a chair when my hand involuntarily and suddenly flew up to my face and one of my fingernails dug into my chin so hard it bled. Never happened again.


Damn that's really a forked up situation 🤣🤣🤣😂

horrible punnery, yet strangely satisfying.

BigSissy 14

I did something like that several years ago. I was just sitting in a chair when my hand involuntarily and suddenly flew up to my face and one of my fingernails dug into my chin so hard it bled. Never happened again.

TxKitten79 10

But dead animals taste so yummy. especially with barbecue sauce.

And don't forget the A1, honey mustard,ketchup or seafood sauce animal's 🤤

Whoa you aimed for the world like a newborn

childlessmother 16

I’m not even gonna ask how you managed that

until the chicken ate their dinner's 😏

Which is what will happen if we carnivores give up!

bubbat101 36

Sounds like you need an optometrist, to check your eye and your vision.

ViviMage 38

You and butter knife wounded poster should hook up and have lunch!