By hardwarekit - 31/10/2014 14:27 - United States - Fairport

Today, a customer bought several drill bits. When I asked him, "Do you want a bag for your bits?" he just stared at me uncomfortably, apparently thinking I was trying to come onto him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 601
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao oh unintended puns. you should've continued on and said "I was just offering because I didn't want you to have to hold your bits in your hands," just to really seal the deal

So I guess he doesn't want you to cum onto him either.


lmao oh unintended puns. you should've continued on and said "I was just offering because I didn't want you to have to hold your bits in your hands," just to really seal the deal

Plot twist: OP really was trying to come onto him

So I guess he doesn't want you to cum onto him either.

tony1891 22

thats a "bit" kinky i would say.

Well, it's his fault really. He shouldn't be at the hardware store unless he wants something hard.

thats hilarious haha...but yeah, kinky. but kinys good, dont get me wrong. ;)

Wizardo 33

Nuts, its not like you were asking him to screw. Don't get to washed up about it, it'll only throw a spanner in your works.

you worked really hard on that haha:) looks like it. its like a joke on a joke on a joke.

At least it would be a fairly original pick up line. Although, I don't know how he interpreted that as a line given the context of the situation.

It's weird of him to come to that conclusion after buying bits.

I think he was checkin her out...THEN she said that and he went into like a porno kinda trance.

Am I the only one who doesn't understand how that works? How does "bag for your bits" sound flirtatious in any way?

I'm assuming we're from two places that are verrry far away from each other, as I didn't really get the innuendo. Anyone care to explain?