By stickyandwet - 30/01/2017 23:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, 3 hours into a 7-hour flight, I only ate half the chocolate mousse that came with my meal and decided to give the rest to my boyfriend. While reaching for his tray, he mistook the action as me stealing his mousse. We spent the rest of the flight covered in sticky soft drink splatter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 835
You deserved it 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call me crazy, but I'm almost positive that any plane that serves food also has a lavatory. With a sink.

holy crap food aggressive much? tell him to chill down.


player69badboy 0

No one would ever be in a relationship if they broke up for such a small little mistake. That's like saying you broke up with someone over them accidentally spilling water on the ground.

zxbanexz 0
lilchica22001 22

My boyfriend once stabbed my hand with his fork because he thought I was stealing his dessert. (I was just reaching for the milk)

holy crap food aggressive much? tell him to chill down.

OP might be a chronic food thief - we never know

Will you forget the mousse ... for a moment?!?!

Call me crazy, but I'm almost positive that any plane that serves food also has a lavatory. With a sink.

Someone has issues with food...and it's not OP.