By meish - 05/06/2016 13:16 - United States - Chicago

Today, I got my own row on an almost full transatlantic flight. All it took was having food poisoning two hours into the flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 505
You deserved it 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man, I know what I'm doing next time I'm traveling by plane. No more being sardined between two fat guys.

youngmessi252525 20

Way to look at the bright side op.


youngmessi252525 20

Way to look at the bright side op.

Oh man, I know what I'm doing next time I'm traveling by plane. No more being sardined between two fat guys.

Coincidentally, "sardine between two fat guys" is one potential meal you could eat to get food poisoning.

Thanks for that, Trip. I think I'm gonna be sick, and I'm had no plans to travel today.

that sucks. i had the flu, an unknown ear infection and sat next a loudly snoring smelly man on a 12 hour flight. i know your pain.

You could post this on /any/ FML. None of them are the absolute worst things imaginable.

Challenge accepted. Today, my wife ate my dog, set fire to my house and eloped with my best friend taking all my life savings with her. FML.

No, no, no, it COULD be worse. "Today, my wife ate my dog out, flooded my house with an incurable virus, and eloped with my father after framing me for a series of robberies. I just found out I'm somehow pregnant. FML"

Today, my wife set fire to the entire world and everybody died. She's about to kill me now. FML

Hey me too. I was on leave from Iraq and vomited right after take off on the way to Australia. Scored the whole row of the flight attendants seats for the entire flight. It was pretty great...after I changed and got over the whole embarrassment thing. It's all about the silver linings!

good thing they didn't asked you to leave. .

Sir, I'm sorry but you're too sick for this flight. Here's your parachute. Now follow me to the emergency exit.

Something tells me not a lot of thought went into this comment.

Well look at his profile pic. I doubt there is any thought put into anything he does.

Iwannarock1 19

Chuka81, just stop trolling for likes.

Lol considering the possibilities if your future you should prob have food poisoning more often..

Rammer3500 23