Time to move on

By Anonymous - 22/02/2023 10:00 - United States - Boulder

Today, it's been a year since the girl I'm madly in love with completely cut off all communication with me. She called me crying a year ago, saying she couldn't do the long-distance, unaware I was planning on moving closer to her. Not once has she reached out, and has a girlfriend now. I think about her every night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 698
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's been a year now. It's over. For your mental health, you must completely let her go.

" unaware I was planning on moving closer to her" - i don't know, this might seem a bit crazy, but... have you tried... TALKING TO HER ABOUT THAT? ydi...


" unaware I was planning on moving closer to her" - i don't know, this might seem a bit crazy, but... have you tried... TALKING TO HER ABOUT THAT? ydi...

It's been a year now. It's over. For your mental health, you must completely let her go.

My dude. Buddy old pal. She’s not gonna read your damn mind and she doesn’t owe you jack. Let her go.

Um, she broke up with you. Why would you expect her to reach out to you?