Do as you're told

By ugh1234 - 21/06/2021 02:01

Today, I was demoted at work to a much harder and more time-consuming position because, I quote, "You have more experience." My boss is now telling the others I volunteered to be moved to the lower position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 016
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And it’s easy enough to make that correction with a casual “oh this position is certainly a challenge. I know why you moved me to this position but I wish I’d had a choice.”

mmmmmm no 5

in the office that I work in we call it "volun-a-told"


And it’s easy enough to make that correction with a casual “oh this position is certainly a challenge. I know why you moved me to this position but I wish I’d had a choice.”

mmmmmm no 5

in the office that I work in we call it "volun-a-told"