By ExtendedVacation - 23/02/2009 22:00 - United States

Today, I submitted a vacation request to my manager and it was approved. I came back from lunch and was informed that I have been let go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 920
You deserved it 2 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@4. Just because its called a vacation request doesn't necessarily mean you are taking a vacation. I was going out of state for my grandfathers funeral. My manager approved the time off. The pink slip came from a little higher up apparently. I'm sure it was just a matter of bad timing in the end but either way I can't say that I ever saw it going down that way.

hahaha, "oh, sure, sure, take all the time you want..."


f*ck... all i can do is laugh. they actually had the nerve to approve it. what a smartass company. sounds like a good place for a couple laughs.

dude you can swear on the Internet. your mums not gonna see it, I know because she's busy being ****** by me.

owned, haha. but I feel your pain, I was laid off in November and am still looking for a job

:( That sucks!! Why did they do that? #1 - lol... true, sadly...

holynemesis1208 3

well i guess you need that vacation now more than ever.

@4, have you BEEN paying attention to the current job market at ALL?

@4. Just because its called a vacation request doesn't necessarily mean you are taking a vacation. I was going out of state for my grandfathers funeral. My manager approved the time off. The pink slip came from a little higher up apparently. I'm sure it was just a matter of bad timing in the end but either way I can't say that I ever saw it going down that way.

hahaha, "oh, sure, sure, take all the time you want..."