Thoughts and prayers

By Anonymous - 16/04/2022 00:00 - United States - Granby

Today, I feel guilty masturbating to Russian porn on the hub. Then I feel even more guilty because that's just wrong, because people in Ukraine and Russia both have much bigger problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 286
You deserved it 1 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay look. What Russia's doing is 100% a government thing. You are not going to solve this through individual action or crowdfunding or what the **** ever. NO ONE can do ANYTHING except governments. Pretty much every government on the planet is sanctioning Russia. Unless you did something on purpose to break the sanctions, you have done nothing that will affect a single damn thing in Ukraine. If you want to help Ukraine, go write a particularly nasty letter to the Congresscritters who are getting in the way, or write a letter of congratulations to Biden. But you watching ****\buying a Russian nesting doll\not hating on Russians is not going to do anything negative or positive for the war in Ukraine, because you have absolutely no say in any of this. Also you know Ukranians make **** too, right?

Lemme guess - you’re the type of person who will turn off a porno if you can’t understand the dialogue. You are an odd individual, and I respect you. I, too, like a little story with my sex.


Okay look. What Russia's doing is 100% a government thing. You are not going to solve this through individual action or crowdfunding or what the **** ever. NO ONE can do ANYTHING except governments. Pretty much every government on the planet is sanctioning Russia. Unless you did something on purpose to break the sanctions, you have done nothing that will affect a single damn thing in Ukraine. If you want to help Ukraine, go write a particularly nasty letter to the Congresscritters who are getting in the way, or write a letter of congratulations to Biden. But you watching ****\buying a Russian nesting doll\not hating on Russians is not going to do anything negative or positive for the war in Ukraine, because you have absolutely no say in any of this. Also you know Ukranians make **** too, right?

Too err is human, to forgive is divine. I'd recommend to find a charity that supports Ukraine and contribute to them. And maybe lay off the web **** for a while. Heck, find a significant other who also supports Ukraine and contribute jointly.

Better still; find an app that allows you to give one dollar to Ukraine, then give one dollar to Ukraine before any Russian **** video you watch. Ukraine will thank you, and you will get a huuuuge tax deduction.

this right here... this is finding a modern solution to a modern problem. This is both funny and genius. AND they even brought up the charitable deductions which could add up pretty well. helpfull on multiple levels.

Did it have subtitles? You really should stick with English language **** because the dialog is just that good! Give New Zealandese **** a try;)

Nikki 17

Sex with sheep is illegal though

Lemme guess - you’re the type of person who will turn off a porno if you can’t understand the dialogue. You are an odd individual, and I respect you. I, too, like a little story with my sex.

diraven 15

Also they have much bigger boobs

Just having empathy is not going to help anyone. Either you go and actively help or just do not care about it. Each day someone not far from you is suffering. You feeling guilty is not going to help them. My father once fell down the steps. I did not feel sorry or guilty. I looked after him after the incident (bringing food and spending some time talking).