This is us

By Anonymous - 30/12/2023 06:00 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, my blind mother kept covering her ears any time I spoke to her and kept counting down every 20 minutes to the upcoming NFL game, which came on at 4pm. Finally dejected, my husband and I left after kickoff. She made my father call to guilt trip us about how she wanted us to stay for the game for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 508
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I get the picture. My Dad was a football fan and wanted family around while he watched the game. I have never been a football fan in my entire life and found most sports boring. And I would travel hundreds of miles to be with Dad and family for the holidays, so I was sort of trapped for the duration of the game... These sort of things are usually patterns. By now OP, like me, would know exactly how it was going to go down and should make their plans based on that. It's just part of life - people have interests and think those around them should have the same interests. You can choose to either go along with it or not.


OP, I get the picture. My Dad was a football fan and wanted family around while he watched the game. I have never been a football fan in my entire life and found most sports boring. And I would travel hundreds of miles to be with Dad and family for the holidays, so I was sort of trapped for the duration of the game... These sort of things are usually patterns. By now OP, like me, would know exactly how it was going to go down and should make their plans based on that. It's just part of life - people have interests and think those around them should have the same interests. You can choose to either go along with it or not.