The real Zodiac killer?

By Anonymous - 21/09/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I told my husband that we should write down all our passwords so we don't forget them. Later, after he'd left, I pulled out his password sheet to do a little snooping, only to learn that he'd written them in some sort of bizarre cipher. What's he hiding? FML
I agree, your life sucks 78
You deserved it 1 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's not hiding anything. He saw right through your stupid games. Hopefully he sees this for the red flag it is and acts accordingly.

He wrote them down so you would feel better, so what is the problem? Oh, you wanted his passwords so you could snoop on him. Shame on you. If he leaves you, I don’t blame him, you have trust issues


This is sad. A relationship needs trust and it is clear neither of you have trust for the other. Maybe work on that. wow

He wrote them down so you would feel better, so what is the problem? Oh, you wanted his passwords so you could snoop on him. Shame on you. If he leaves you, I don’t blame him, you have trust issues

Did you think he was born yesterday or something?

He's not hiding anything. He saw right through your stupid games. Hopefully he sees this for the red flag it is and acts accordingly.

he's not hiding anything. he knew what you were doing. are you trying to get divorced? because these petty stupid games are how you get divorced. stop snooping before you hurt your own feelings

You can't possibly think you're not at fault here. Just from this information alone, I think he probably recognized your suggestion as a childish ploy to get his passwords.

Lffayen 4

Divorce him and do him a favor. You're not entitled to everything about the man. Grow up.

tiptoppc 19

So glad my wife and I share the same risqué subscription sites. No secrets to hold!

this is literally how you should write down your passwords, if you're stupid enough to do that at all? This is just basic security... So I'm guessing you gave him a list of all your passwords and accounts too huh? FML included? thought so