The other's in the Albert Hall

By lone_ranger - 25/09/2009 11:13 - United States

Today, I told my girlfriend I have only one testicle. Her reaction? "Eeew, balls are gross!" I'm glad to know I'm only half as gross as other guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 430
You deserved it 3 474

Same thing different taste


I don't see how that's a bad thing. Shes perfect for you and doesnt think your creepy with your odd ome ********

... But she doesn't like balls at all....

Firebirdfreak47_fml 0

Hey quit harrasin him I've only got 1 testicular 2 and I got a bigger dick thank most of ya

bubo_fml 10

Did you tell her she CAME from BALLS?

Lølz, that'd be interesting to look at. How old is your girlfriend? 10?

Way to see the ballsack as half full!

JacksBBQ 2
classicnathan 8