The Haunting of FML House

By Tess - 18/03/2020 02:01 - United States - Burlington

Today, hidden deep in my husband's closet, I found a shrine dedicated to a woman named Felicity. After further investigation, I saw printouts of my husband's detailed fantasies of phone sex conversations with Felicity. Felicity was his first wife, and has been dead for nine years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 069
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you should nicely talk to your husband and see if he’s alright? and if not you should advice him to seek professional help!

bobsanction 18

That is honestly just really sad. He lost someone he loved, you should show some ******' compassion.


Amanda Howard 9

I mean are you sure it's a shrine?

I guess you should nicely talk to your husband and see if he’s alright? and if not you should advice him to seek professional help!

mccuish 25

Seems like he just can’t get over his dead wife

bobsanction 18

That is honestly just really sad. He lost someone he loved, you should show some ******' compassion.

While I agree, I don't think he should have married her if he was still in love with his wife who has passed. Grieving is horrible, but not everyone can cope with knowing something like that. He should have waited until he properly mourned and was able to let go.

TinScarecrow 15

That would mean never getting married again

She didn’t say anything to be heartless, you’re projecting and making asshole assumptions. Finding out your husband has a shrine to someone and has hidden it away is devastating. Obviously it’s not out of malice or anything but it still hurts. You’d probably say he was an asshole if the first wife was still alive, but no because she’s dead suddenly she’s at fault for having feelings. Show some ******* compassion huh? ****** hypocrite.

WistayShlaio82 13

I think you should just let that go. Love him as best you can and forget you ever found that stuff in his closet

That's sad and sweet all at the same time.. but if you ever find he's building a shrine to you, RUN!

I had a female friend who lost her husband. She got a tattoo on her chest with his name on it. She later re-married. Still has the angel tattoo. Would that be considered a shrine?

No, that's completely different. She is honoring his memory and still being able to healthily move on and love someone new.

TinScarecrow 15

You have no evidence it's "completely different"

bl3ur0z3 17

It's not like she cheated on him or left him or he has a reason not to love her. She died and he's devastated and you're not his first love. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you, just that he didn't stop loving her.