Tales of the Unexpected

By maddyUnderstood - 31/05/2019 00:00

Today, I went into a job interview for Quizno's. The boss there talked to me for an hour and half about everything on God's green earth. She noticed I was a certified swim instructor. I left Quizno's with no job, but with an appointment to teach the boss how to swim tomorrow at 9 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 863
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Burle 17

Teaching someone to swim for money sounds like a job

bluhbluhbluh 14

could be the start of a new business. who knows?


bluhbluhbluh 14

could be the start of a new business. who knows?

Burle 17

Teaching someone to swim for money sounds like a job

Take her out to the deep end and then ask for a job. See if you get a more favorable response.

Zan 16

she has hots for you. lawyer up, start of another #metoo.

mr_dinzaster 16

Well I guess at least you have something to do since you don’t have a job lol

kmorse 14

What I wanna know is....WHERE IS THIS QUIZNOS?! All the ones around me have closed 😭😭😭