
By whyyyyy - 17/05/2020 23:00

Today, after months of dating, I finally saw my boyfriend naked. Turns out he has a micropenis. I assured him that I like him for who he was and that we could explore other things. He said no, because oral and sex toys are "immoral." FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 743
You deserved it 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't compromise, leave his selfish ass.

icalledhisname 12

I’m dumbfounded. It makes no sense that he thinks vaginal sex is okay and oral isn’t. Sometimes I just don’t understand people. Okay, a lot of the time, not sometimes.


Maybe he’s a grower and not a show-er

Looks like you got the short end of the stick

icalledhisname 12

I’m dumbfounded. It makes no sense that he thinks vaginal sex is okay and oral isn’t. Sometimes I just don’t understand people. Okay, a lot of the time, not sometimes.

Taylor Caldwell 10

Usually cognitive dissonant religious zealots

If he can't compromise, leave his selfish ass.

DoctorPALO 14

You're all full of it. Length DOES NOT MATTER. All of the nerves are at the opening of the ******. Girth is more important by far. Fingers can do the same job. If you're that much of a size queen, go buy one of those huge ****** and let him find someone who REALLY "loves him for who he is."

do... do you have any idea what a micro penis is? they're called micro for a reason

kt1973 3

Says a guy with a micro penis.

1. Some women like longer penises because they enjoy their cervix being bumped during sex. They also enjoy it when the Gspot is hit. 2. A micro penis doesnt have any girth. I have seen a micro penis, it was shorter than a pinky toe and thinner than a pencil. 3. OP already said she was fine with his size, but the boyfriend wasn't willing to do anything to sexually please her.

yeah if he's not willing to compromise to make sure you're satisfied at all, just move on. there's no hope for a happy long term, he's just a waste of time at this point

That sounds rough, goodluck. There is a surgery to increase penis size, so this is a solvable problem.

LadyRen 20

Why don’t they email us about that surgery instead of pills then? 😂

Alexander McCall 5

Because there's more money in treating the problem instead of curing it.

If you leave him, it won’t be because of the size of his penis but because of the size of his brain.

Alyxandrea Loffer 12

you didn't learn these beliefs beforehand? you really wanted to date someone who viewed female pleasure as immoral and are now going to complain? are you 15?

I think he meant that using toys as part of the act was immoral. And since sex outside of marriage is ALSO immoral, probably a good idea to dump him, because double standards will mess up a relationship.