Stop! Stop!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was lying on the couch after having surgery on my stomach. My best friend and my mom thought that laughter would be the best medicine. Due to their medicine, I ripped out half my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 592
You deserved it 2 663

Top comments

mshafty 0

talk about busting a gut with laughter :)


HamsteronA 0

ydi for eating cabbage. but atleast now u can see al that cabbage being digested

RageYDI 0

least they had the guts to try

It healed that quickly?! Praise the lord!

that sucks. I ripped a few stitches too behind my knee about 2 weeks after my surgery. luckily I had internal ones too that held up.

Twi_lover_EC 6

That sucks! :/ Hope u feel better! :)

Ouch! I remember how hard it was not to laugh after my own surgery a few years ago. The more you try not to laugh, the harder it is to stop. Hurts like hell. :(

ohhh that sucksss. i guess laughter isnt always the best medicine :P hope you get better, OP!!

This qualifies as yet more proof that common sense isn't all that common. They sure FYL, OP.

that pretty much sounds extremely painful. sorry dude