Stop! Stop!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was lying on the couch after having surgery on my stomach. My best friend and my mom thought that laughter would be the best medicine. Due to their medicine, I ripped out half my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 592
You deserved it 2 663

Top comments

mshafty 0

talk about busting a gut with laughter :)


ouch ouch; that gotta hurt... A LOT. =/

haha..happened to me when my friend took me on a wheelchair ride and kept running into things and shit, then when I got back to my room and took off my hoodie my shirt was soaked in blood..they acually sliced through my belly button, so it was bleeding out of my belly button and I have to go back into surgery to fix it the next day. Thought I might share that lovely story with you. Feel sucks to have stomach surgery because u can't even sit up, you have to roll over then get up!

penut_butter_jel 0

wow for the people that. clicked ydi are stupid how could he help that his/her parents where trying to make him/her feel better... yeah in pretty sure if that happened to you you wouldn't be saying that... you guys are pathetic for saying tht .... and op I hope you feel better

rohosoccer08 1

I know your pain, people kept making me laugh after both of my c-sections

Ouvh. Sorry. I had my appendix taken out and it hurt when I laughed.

well that's the opposite of " putting you in stiches" I guess then that theory is totally wrong...damn cliches