
By Sarah - 19/03/2021 22:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to convince policemen I’m not a victim of domestic abuse after I had to go to hospital for a stab wound for the second time since Xmas. I’m just hopelessly clumsy. I managed to stab myself with a screwdriver while opening a paint tin. Last time, it was a knitting needle while knitting Xmas jumpers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 938
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I gotta ask. How bad did you stab yourself in these situations? I've done stupid stuff and stuck myself with a screw driver, nothing I couldn't fix with a good cleaning, pressure and a dressing.

when opening a paint can, like cutting open a box, always aim away


That degree of clumsiness sounds like it could be a medical situation. You should see a doctor and tell them about your problems. I hope something can be done to help you.

when opening a paint can, like cutting open a box, always aim away

I gotta ask. How bad did you stab yourself in these situations? I've done stupid stuff and stuck myself with a screw driver, nothing I couldn't fix with a good cleaning, pressure and a dressing.

Reggie89 2

look on the bright side at least they care