
By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 01:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were having sex. Everything was going great until I noticed a small blinking light on my shelf. It turns out that it was a camera. My mom put it there to make sure I cleaned my room. She saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 815
You deserved it 10 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why couldn't she just walk into your room later to make sure you cleaned it, like a normal mom would do?


primogen18 0

wow, creepy, if you're old enough to be having sex with your GF (supposedly) why is your mom worried about if you're cleaning your room? Are you like, 12? Still creepy though, she could walk in later as normal people would, why does she want to actually WATCH you clean your room? (among other things you would do in your room such as change, **********, sleep, etc)

Your mom is a freak. Anyone who would invade their child's privacy for the purpose of making sure they cleaner their ROOM?? Give me a break. FYL, SHE deserved it.

fireandice92 0

Fyl indeed. When I was little and first starting staying home alone I used to think there were cameras everywhere so I would behave. Now I know better ;)

Did it broadcast or something? How could she see it?

i hate these FML's11 youre getting laid! QUIT BITCHIN!

shorty24 0

well she can't get mad at u because she was invading your privacy...

S3A82 0

FAKE no mom would set up a camera to watch u clean ur room. she could've set it up to watch u have sex... now theres a thought. idiot

junkinmahcranium 0

OH EW. Your mom is super creepy.

why would ur mom WATCH u having sex. ******* people these days.

Why would your mom go to the hassle of setting up a camera in your room to make sure you clean it when she could easily just look in the room and tell instantly if it has been cleaned. If you are going to make up a story at least try to make it convincing.