Spotted it

By dollabill009 - 06/06/2013 08:49 - United States

Today, I went to the gym for the first time in a while. I was doing upper body workouts and decided to ask a very large muscular man to spot me while I did bench presses. As he stood over me, I saw two beads of sweat roll off his nose. One hit me on the cheek. The other landed in my open mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 282
You deserved it 8 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

That is absolutely disgusting. This one is almost as bad as the one where the dentist's snot falls into the OP's open mouth.

"Spot me?" "Yeah, no sweat bro....-nevermind"


You need to stay hydrated when you're working out, and you should know better than to drink salty things! But seriously, you'll probably be fine, it's not like you'll get sick or anything, as long as he doesn't have any diseases that spread through bodily fluids like sweat.

awnedr 8

He was just trying to help replenish your electrolytes op

Well atleast you don't have to worry about putting salt in your food for the rest of the day...

Fewww now thats one unique situation confusing between thanks at the end for help or for the horrible experience of lifetime.

perdix 29

It's good you saw the sweat dripping from his nose. It could have just as easily dripped off his balls;)

upallnight11 19

Tell him to wipe his shit next time. You should've seen it coming, though.

perdix 29

#22, if you're seeing his shit, he may be straddling your face too much.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Well, it is a gim, so people will sweat. What the heck did you expect?