Some people just never learn

By WhatJustHappened - 09/10/2020 14:02 - United States

Today, as a millennial, I had to explain to a baby boomer why he needs to use condoms when having sex with his 25-year-old girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 281
You deserved it 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Damn, looks like you triggered a few boomer snowflakes here.

Wow, there are certainly some boomers who have really high estimations of their own attractiveness to people young enough to be their grandkids, enough to assume the 25-year old definitely isn't going to be having hook ups on the side.


1. You’re too old for child support unless you have a really good 401k. 2. You still can get and transmit STDs, Mr. midlife crisis.

We came of age before AIDS so condom-wearing was not a habit. Anyways, we're close enough to death that we don't really care about STDs and we're probably less fertile so the chances of unwanted pregnancy are slim. Not much benefit to counteract the downside of lack of feeling.

Wow, there are certainly some boomers who have really high estimations of their own attractiveness to people young enough to be their grandkids, enough to assume the 25-year old definitely isn't going to be having hook ups on the side.

they're called baby boomers for a reason ya know

tounces7 27

The reason is because they were the RESULT of a baby boom....not the creators of one.

tounces7 27

Damn, looks like you triggered a few boomer snowflakes here.

DoctorPALO 14

Since baby boomers would be anywhere from 60-80 years old, and the girl is 25, there may be a better chance for her to know more about the use of birth control methods, so unless you are, in fact, the 25-year-old gf, maybe that should be a conversation for THEM to be having.

I'm a Gen Xer, so I came of age in the 1980s. I remember hearing warnings about the necessity of wearing condoms to prevent STIs, meaning the Boomers should have as well. Maybe they want to relive the 1970s instead of 1980s?