
By Rhine - 16/12/2012 23:51 - Barbados - Bridgetown

Today, at a Christmas party, my crush came up to me and cutely pointed out that I was standing under mistletoe. The only response my stupid brain could think of was, "Probably full of nargles though." He gave me a confused look and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 174
You deserved it 15 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ignore the muggle, you should of followed it with 'my name might not be luna but i know how to lovegood.'


Dem nargles..making people kiss and shit

You should have kissed him! I think that you deserved it.

Was he sobbing hysterically about his ex-boyfriend? Saying that he was murdered by the Dark Lord and was revived as a sparkling wood-fairy?

Pity he didn't get the reference, but not everyone is a fan of Harry Potter. I would have got the reference though, Luna's probably the only thing about Harry Potter I like.

I see I got a lot of thumbsdowns for saying I didn't like Harry Potter. How dare I not like a popular series of books! Who do I think I am, having my own opinion?

I think I would have stood under the mistletoe all night just for the chance to make that reference. I can't believe you thought of that on the spot. That's the kind of thing I always think of after the fact.

If he didn't get it, he's not worth your time :)

Just for not understanding a Harry Potter reference- seriously? I've gone out with guys who don't recognize my book or movie references.

Don't let the muggles get you down.

Lol, I had to Google what 'nargles' means. Ah well, don't sweat it OP, these things happen. Maybe he'll Google it as well to find out what you meant, and see the funny side of it.

I was about to google it too, but many FMLers have explained it's a Harry Potter reference. I can imagine why he was so confused!

If that muggle didn't understand then you're better off without him!

nuclearhearts 5

You didn't want him anyway is he isn't Harry Potter savvy!

Must have been a wrackspurt. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy.

jellycorn 13