Smooth operator

By Nic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I put on some skimpy shorts and bent down to get something on the bottom shelf of the fridge to get my boyfriend's attention. On my way up, I slammed my head on the edge of the fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 948
You deserved it 46 046

Same thing different taste


TheJaneDoeLife 0

didnt you watch legally blonde? obviously nobody ever taught you to "bennndddddd and snap!!"

That isn't bad enough to be counted as an FML.

andrewsgirl2010 7
Hacker016 0

Ur NOT a *****! Some people don't get that it's nice to see som booty once in a while!

klumzy0123456789 6

well atleast you got his attention