The status quo is fine

By starlight starbright - 15/02/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I was chewed out and blocked by several of my “friends” because I never post anything political, and am therefore right wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 519
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly when people like that self select to not be part of your life I'd consider it a win.

I hardcore left-wing and I never post anything political either.


Honestly when people like that self select to not be part of your life I'd consider it a win.

when policies or actions negatively affect a portion of the population to a great extent (up to and including death) and the people in positions to change it are obviosuly ignoring it, then it rings loud and clear how you vote, who you support, and how you will protect those who are affected (you won't). those values usually align with republicans

sounds like you have a side and assume lol. a lot of people don't want politics in their newsreel. me in particular have made the algorithm perfect. it shoes absolutely 0 politics from both sides. I also don't post or talk about politics and where I stand ever. life is better that way when you don't air anything to to the world that doesn't need to be aired.

I hardcore left-wing and I never post anything political either.

I am just suggesting this so take it for what it is worth. Maybe you have been lied to about how bad "right wingers" are. Maybe give your friends a break and listen to some Republicans (and independents and libertarians) themselves without having the news filter it first. The news has a way of making everything sound bad when it is not bad.