
By smelly asses - 17/09/2020 07:50

Today, my husband and my daughter engaged in a fart war. Guess who go to do a pile of shitty laundry, while the other texted his friends about the “hilarious” incident? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 161
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you doing the laundry of a grown man who shat himself? The real FML is not standing up for yourself

BigSissy 14


BigSissy 14

Are you not an adult and parent or did I miss something? Speak your mind and find a solution, complaining to us about shit you have the power to change is ridiculous

Why are you doing the laundry of a grown man who shat himself? The real FML is not standing up for yourself

pretty sure it was the daughter who shat herself…

In my house they would have done their laundry...

BigSissy 14

In any war, it's always the mothers who have it worst, dealing with the casualties.

wrenavery90 12

Why wouldn't you make them do the laundry? Nobody made you do it.