
By yumx24 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at the local swimming pool, my friend and I noticed two cute guys had just arrived. When they jumped in, we immediately took off our tank tops and got in the opposite end. They looked over at us, then looked at each other, got out of the pool and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 108
You deserved it 16 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What awkward kids... Even if they weren't interested, were they really so afraid of even talking to you that they had to LEAVE?

DreMaMa 0

Maybe, It wasn't even about you? Maybe your friend is the ugly one...just saying


Maybe they wanted to do some proper swimming, for exercise rather than for fun, and they thought you would stop them doing it by annoying them, seeing as it was obvious to them that you only got in because they did.

Someone came on alittle too strong. =)

arienh4 0

@43 And that's TOTALLY accurate, especially with all the hate and all...

I bet their girlfriends were on the way and they realized they were bound to get caught staring, so they made a hasty retreat to stave off temptation and trouble. @OP, if you really think this is an FML situation, then you are WAY too concerned about boys.

Chances are, they were a couple and got bothered by the sudden and obvious approach? XD lol If they went to the pool to spend some time together as a couple, but feared chicks might start hitting on them, I'd leave suddenly too. XD

I was agreeing with #54 until the fat part. Many girls think they are hot shit and have inflated egos, but why does her getting rejected have to be because she's fat? I've seen fat girls get rejected and skinny girls get rejected. BTW, a guy could have written this FML. lol.

I moderated this and clicked no. Maybe they're just nervous.

yumx24 0

alright guys... my post was short and sweet, and reading back at my post i realized that to some people it might've been coming off as creepy lol. i'd like to say that I for the sake of #56, my friend and i are BOTH girls. also for a lottt of people saying we're fat, i'm 15 and actually almostttt underweight, so no, i am not fat. and i'm not conceited to think i can score any guy haha. and honestly? taking off your tank top at a pool isn't slutty...i mean hey if you WANT to go swimming in a tennis outfit, thats cool, but i prefer swimming in my bathing suit. we chalked it up to the pool being like 30 degrees and over crowded with 5 year olds :)

haha, you must of done something wrong.