By Anoymous - 09/06/2013 06:02 - United States - Burlingame

Today, after telling my mother-in-law about my recent miscarriage, she cheerfully made a cake to celebrate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 659
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A hard slap on her face is also another way to celebrate.

Mother-in-law or if you rearrange the letters, Woman Hitler. FYL that's terrible.


A hard slap on her face is also another way to celebrate.

The she would probably sue her. Look at the country.

Mother-in-law or if you rearrange the letters, Woman Hitler. FYL that's terrible.

3 you just blew my mind into space. Now I have to contact NASA about a retrieval mission

chronickX 11

It was a lie. *gets ready for the FML mob*

rg350dx 29

I'm betting it was that dead baby looking cake, featured on Tosh.0

chowE_fml 4

"Dead baby looking cake" ..dude I laughed so hard

Hehe all these FML community losers downvote you but don't worry, the people that understand your joke appreciate it! *Prepares for the hoardes of downvotes*

The majority of those on FML are either oddly sensitive or just mentally defective. Sometimes they just don't know how to simply move the mouse away, and think: "do I really think this is bad? Or am I just ignorant?"

I've heard bad things about many people, but this takes the cake.

jaybreez52 10

This would be the appropriate time to slap a bitch

I've got my backhand ready. This mother in law does not deserve any tickles after. >.>

What a bitch. I'm so sorry for your loss OP :( Anyways, Karma is going to strike back at her, so don't worry, her turn will come.

Screw Karma! She should strike back at her right now with her foot going up the Woman Hitler's ass!

k_lylepad 19

What an evil mother-in-law. Miscarriages are an emotional ordeal. Gosh, how insensitive.

That's heartless. Throw the cake in her face.

Then bake a pie, and proceed to throw affair mentioned pie in her face. Timeless comedic value.

rg350dx 29

The mailman. Because he keeps knocking on the ******* door when he doesn't have to and it just riles the dog up and she won't stop barking. It's beyond annoying.