Sing me to sleep

By Anonymous - 19/01/2021 11:01 - Germany

Today, there are two parts to my life: The 12 hours I spend in bed each night trying to fall asleep, with limited success, and the 12 hours I'm up and trying *not* to fall asleep, also with limited success. FML
I agree, your life sucks 954
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OrySoma 11

get a night shift job and sleep during the day nurse gas station worker ect plenty of profession have night time schedual and its an easy way to give insomnia the big old middle finger

some people genetically speaking are quite literally night owls you just have to learn to live with it or suffer and be tired all the time it's better to stay up at nightand sleep during the day


OrySoma 11

get a night shift job and sleep during the day nurse gas station worker ect plenty of profession have night time schedual and its an easy way to give insomnia the big old middle finger

some people genetically speaking are quite literally night owls you just have to learn to live with it or suffer and be tired all the time it's better to stay up at nightand sleep during the day

You should try taking Melatonin at night.

coius 23

As a person with severe bipolar, and a really bad permanent back injury with 24/7/365 pain, I feel for you. I can’t get more than 3 hours of sleep unless I stay up for 48hours and crash into bed dead tired. Even then, I may only get 5-6 hours before pain wakes me up and keeps me awake. Might need to see if you are bipolar. It heavily affects sleep, or may be seasonal depression. At minimum, I suggest if you are heavily affected by caffeine, cut intake by 5 PM. Drink water from there. If you need to, experiment with aroma therapy and audio relaxation. I use myNoise apps on iPhone to make thunderstorms sounds on my stereo with deep rumbles like thunder. For some reason, it calms me down and I feel better being inside with distant thunder in background. But keep trying to find what helps.