Do me a solid

By Anonymous - 15/02/2021 20:01

Today, and for the last six months, I've been on a medication that greatly improves the main symptoms of my chronic illness. Too bad it also gives me chronic diarrhea. I feel much better and can function better than I have since my teens, but I haven't taken a solid dump in half a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 000
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Solid dumps are overrated. Being constipated is the worst. It's better having something come out than nothing.

I totally feel you on that one. Chronic illness sucks. I will tell you from someone that’s been in your spot for years, I would rather feel good and know where every bathroom is than have normal poo and not be able to get out of bed.


Solid dumps are overrated. Being constipated is the worst. It's better having something come out than nothing.

I totally feel you on that one. Chronic illness sucks. I will tell you from someone that’s been in your spot for years, I would rather feel good and know where every bathroom is than have normal poo and not be able to get out of bed.

Does thc have negative reaction with your medication? If not maybe give it a go. You can also try ginger beer if you don't mind the taste of ginger, it's really good for stomach problems